// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// @title Swaylend's Market Contract
// @notice An efficient monolithic money market protocol
// @author Reserve Labs LTD
mod events;
use events::*;
use pyth_interface::{data_structures::price::{Price, PriceFeedId}, PythCore};
use market_abi::{Market, structs::*,};
use std::asset::{mint_to, transfer};
use std::auth::{AuthError, msg_sender};
use std::call_frames::msg_asset_id;
use std::contract_id::ContractId;
use std::context::{msg_amount, this_balance};
use std::hash::{Hash, sha256};
use std::logging::log;
use std::revert::require;
use std::storage::storage_vec::*;
use std::u128::U128;
use std::vec::Vec;
use std::bytes::Bytes;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use sway_libs::reentrancy::reentrancy_guard;
use standards::src5::{SRC5, State};
use sway_libs::ownership::*;
use sway_libs::signed_integers::i256::I256;
// version of the smart contract
const VERSION: u8 = 5_u8;
// pyth oracle configuration params
const ORACLE_MAX_STALENESS: u64 = 60; // 60 seconds
const ORACLE_MAX_AHEADNESS: u64 = 60; // 60 seconds
const ORACLE_MAX_CONF_WIDTH: u256 = 300; // 300 / 10000 = 3.0 %
// This is set during deployment of the contract
configurable {
DEBUG_STEP: u64 = 0,
storage {
// market configuration
market_configuration: MarketConfiguration = MarketConfiguration::default(),
// configuration for collateral assets (can add, pause ...)
collateral_configurations: StorageMap<AssetId, CollateralConfiguration> = StorageMap {},
// list of asset ids of collateral assets
collateral_configurations_keys: StorageVec<AssetId> = StorageVec {},
// booleans to pause certain functionalities
pause_config: PauseConfiguration = PauseConfiguration::default(),
// total collateral for each asset
totals_collateral: StorageMap<AssetId, u64> = StorageMap {},
// how much collateral user provided (separate for each asset)
user_collateral: StorageMap<(Identity, AssetId), u64> = StorageMap {},
// holds information about the users details in the market
user_basic: StorageMap<Identity, UserBasic> = StorageMap {},
// information about the whole market (total supply, total borrow, etc.)
market_basic: MarketBasics = MarketBasics::default(),
// debug timestamp (for testing purposes)
debug_timestamp: u64 = 0,
// pyth contract id
pyth_contract_id: ContractId = ContractId::zero(),
// Market contract implementation
impl Market for Contract {
/// Get version of the smart contract
/// # Returns
/// * [u8] - The version number of the smart contract.
fn get_version() -> u8 {
// ## 0. Activate contract
/// # Arguments
/// * `market_configuration`: [MarketConfiguration] - The configuration settings for the market.
/// * `owner`: [Identity] - The identity of the owner of the contract.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the contract is already active, indicated by a non-zero last accrual time.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Writes: `4`
/// * Reads: `2`
fn activate_contract(market_configuration: MarketConfiguration, owner: Identity) {
.read() == 0,
// Set owner
// Set market configuration
// Set last_accrual_time to current timestamp
let market_basic = storage.market_basic.read();
let pause_config = PauseConfiguration {
supply_paused: false,
withdraw_paused: false,
absorb_paused: false,
buy_paused: false,
// Un-pause the contract
// Emit pause configuration updated event
log(PauseConfigurationEvent { pause_config });
// Emit market configuration event
log(MarketConfigurationEvent {
market_config: market_configuration,
// Emit market basic event
log(MarketBasicEvent { market_basic });
// ## 1. Debug functionality (for testing purposes)
// ## 1.1 Manually increment timestamp
/// This function is useful for testing purposes, allowing developers to simulate time progression during debugging.
/// # Reverts
/// * When `DEBUG_STEP` is not greater than zero, indicating that debugging is disabled.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Writes: `1`
/// * Reads: `1`
fn debug_increment_timestamp() {
require(DEBUG_STEP > 0, Error::DebuggingDisabled);
.write(storage.debug_timestamp.read() + DEBUG_STEP);
// ## 2. Collateral asset management
// ## 2.1 Add new collateral asset
/// # Arguments
/// * `configuration`: [CollateralConfiguration] - The collateral configuration to be added.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the caller is not the owner.
/// * When the asset already exists, indicated by a non-`None` value in the storage.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Writes: `2`
/// * Reads: `1`
fn add_collateral_asset(configuration: CollateralConfiguration) {
// Only owner can add new collateral asset
// Check if asset already exists
.insert(configuration.asset_id, configuration);
log(CollateralAssetAdded {
asset_id: configuration.asset_id,
// ## 2.2 Pause an existing collateral asset
/// # Arguments
/// * `asset_id`: [AssetId] - The asset ID of the collateral asset to be paused.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the caller is not the owner.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Writes: `1`
/// * Reads: `1`
fn pause_collateral_asset(asset_id: AssetId) {
// Only owner can pause collateral asset
let mut configuration = storage.collateral_configurations.get(asset_id).read();
configuration.paused = true;
.insert(asset_id, configuration);
log(CollateralAssetPaused {
asset_id: configuration.asset_id,
// ## 2.3 Resume a paused collateral asset
/// # Arguments
/// * `asset_id`: [AssetId] - The asset ID of the collateral asset to be resumed.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the caller is not the owner.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Writes: `1`
/// * Reads: `1`
fn resume_collateral_asset(asset_id: AssetId) {
// Only owner can resume collateral asset
let mut configuration = storage.collateral_configurations.get(asset_id).read();
configuration.paused = false;
.insert(asset_id, configuration);
log(CollateralAssetResumed {
asset_id: configuration.asset_id,
// ## 2.4 Update an existing collateral asset configuration
/// # Arguments
/// * `asset_id`: [AssetId] - The asset ID of the collateral asset to be updated.
/// * `configuration`: [CollateralConfiguration] - The new collateral configuration.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the caller is not the owner.
/// * When the asset does not exist, indicated by a non-`Some` value in the storage.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Writes: `1`
/// * Reads: `1`
fn update_collateral_asset(asset_id: AssetId, configuration: CollateralConfiguration) {
// Only owner can update collateral asset
// Check if asset exists
.insert(asset_id, configuration);
log(CollateralAssetUpdated {
// ## 2.5 Get all collateral asset configurations
/// This function retrieves all collateral asset configurations in the market.
/// # Returns
/// * [Vec<CollateralConfiguration>]: A list of collateral configurations
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1 + storage.collateral_configurations_keys.len()`
fn get_collateral_configurations() -> Vec<CollateralConfiguration> {
let mut result = Vec::new();
let mut index = 0;
let len = storage.collateral_configurations_keys.len();
while index < len {
let collateral_configuration = storage.collateral_configurations.get(storage.collateral_configurations_keys.get(index).unwrap().read()).read();
index += 1;
// ## 3. Collateral asset management (Supply and Withdrawal)
// ## 3.1 Supply Collateral
/// This function ensures that the supplied collateral adheres to the market's rules and limits.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the supply is paused.
/// * When the supplied amount is less than or equal to zero.
/// * When the collateral asset is paused.
/// * When the total collateral exceeds the supply cap.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Writes: `2`
/// * Reads: `4`
#[payable, storage(write)]
fn supply_collateral() {
// Only allow supplying collateral if paused flag is not set
require(!storage.pause_config.supply_paused.read(), Error::Paused);
// Check that the amount is greater than 0
let amount = msg_amount();
require(amount > 0, Error::InvalidPayment);
// Get the asset ID of the collateral asset being supplied and check that it is not paused
let asset_id: AssetId = msg_asset_id();
let collateral_configuration = storage.collateral_configurations.get(asset_id).read();
require(!collateral_configuration.paused, Error::Paused);
// Check that the new total collateral does not exceed the supply cap
let total_collateral = storage.totals_collateral.get(asset_id).try_read().unwrap_or(0) + amount;
.supply_cap >= total_collateral,
// Get the caller's account and calculate the new user collateral
let caller = msg_sender().unwrap();
let user_collateral = storage.user_collateral.get((caller, asset_id)).try_read().unwrap_or(0) + amount;
// Update the storage values (total collateral, user collateral)
storage.totals_collateral.insert(asset_id, total_collateral);
.insert((caller, asset_id), user_collateral);
// Log user supply collateral event
log(UserSupplyCollateralEvent {
account: caller,
// ## 3.2 Withdraw Collateral
/// This function ensures that the withdrawal adheres to the market's rules and checks for collateralization.
/// # Arguments
/// * `asset_id`: [AssetId] - The asset ID of the collateral asset to be withdrawn.
/// * `amount`: [u64] - The amount of collateral to be withdrawn.
/// * `price_data_update`: [PriceDataUpdate] - The price data update struct to be used for updating the price feeds.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the user is not collateralized.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Writes: `2`
/// * Reads: `4`
#[payable, storage(write)]
fn withdraw_collateral(
asset_id: AssetId,
amount: u64,
price_data_update: PriceDataUpdate,
) {
// Only allow withdrawing collateral if paused flag is not set
require(!storage.pause_config.withdraw_paused.read(), Error::Paused);
// Get the caller's account and calculate the new user and total collateral
let caller = msg_sender().unwrap();
let user_collateral = storage.user_collateral.get((caller, asset_id)).try_read().unwrap_or(0) - amount;
let total_collateral = storage.totals_collateral.get(asset_id).try_read().unwrap_or(0) - amount;
// Update the storage values (total collateral, user collateral)
storage.totals_collateral.insert(asset_id, total_collateral);
.insert((caller, asset_id), user_collateral);
// Update price data
// Note: no accrue interest, BorrowCollateralFactor < LiquidationCollateralFactor covers small changes
// Check if the user is borrow collateralized
require(is_borrow_collateralized(caller), Error::NotCollateralized);
transfer(caller, asset_id, amount);
// Log user withdraw collateral event
log(UserWithdrawCollateralEvent {
account: caller,
// ## 3.3 Get User Collateral
/// This function retrieves the amount of collateral a user has supplied for a specific asset.
/// # Arguments
/// * `account`: [Identity] - The account of the user.
/// * `asset_id`: [AssetId] - The asset ID of the collateral asset.
/// # Returns
/// * [u64] - The amount of collateral the user has supplied for the specified asset.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Writes: `1`
fn get_user_collateral(account: Identity, asset_id: AssetId) -> u64 {
storage.user_collateral.get((account, asset_id)).try_read().unwrap_or(0)
// ## 3.4 Get all of User's Collateral assets
/// This function retrieves all collateral assets that a user has supplied, along with their respective amounts.
/// # Arguments
/// * `account`: [Identity] - The account of the user.
/// # Returns
/// * [Vec<(AssetId, u64)>] - A list of tuples containing the asset ID and total collateral for each collateral asset.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Writes: `storage.collateral_configurations_keys.len()`
/// * Reads: `1 + storage.collateral_configurations_keys.len() * 3`
fn get_all_user_collateral(account: Identity) -> Vec<(AssetId, u64)> {
let mut result = Vec::new();
let mut index = 0;
let len = storage.collateral_configurations_keys.len();
while index < len {
let collateral_configuration = storage.collateral_configurations.get(storage.collateral_configurations_keys.get(index).unwrap().read()).read();
let collateral_amount = storage.user_collateral.get((account, collateral_configuration.asset_id)).try_read().unwrap_or(0);
result.push((collateral_configuration.asset_id, collateral_amount));
index += 1;
// ## 3.5 Get Total Collateral
/// This function retrieves the total collateral amount for a specific asset.
/// # Arguments
/// * `asset_id`: [AssetId] - The asset ID of the collateral asset.
/// # Returns
/// * [u64] - The total collateral ammount.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Writes: `1`
fn totals_collateral(asset_id: AssetId) -> u64 {
// ## 3.6 Get Total Collateral for all collateral assets
/// This function retrieves the total collateral amount for all collateral assets in the market.
/// # Returns
/// * [`Vec<(AssetId, u64)>`]: A list of tuples containing the asset ID and total collateral for each collateral asset
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1 + storage.collateral_configurations_keys.len() * 2`
fn get_all_totals_collateral() -> Vec<(AssetId, u64)> {
let mut result = Vec::new();
let mut index = 0;
let len = storage.collateral_configurations_keys.len();
while index < len {
let asset_id = storage.collateral_configurations_keys.get(index).unwrap().read();
result.push((asset_id, storage.totals_collateral.get(asset_id).try_read().unwrap_or(0)));
index += 1;
// ## 4. Base asset management (Supply and Withdrawal)
// ## 4.1 Supply Base
/// This function allows users to supply base assets to the market, updating their balance and the market's total supply.
/// # Arguments
/// This function does not take any parameters directly, as it uses the message context to retrieve the amount and asset ID.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the supply is paused.
/// * When the supplied amount is less than or equal to zero.
/// * When the supplied asset is not the base asset.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Writes: `2`
/// * Reads: `4`
#[payable, storage(write)]
fn supply_base() {
// Only allow supplying if paused flag is not set
require(!storage.pause_config.supply_paused.read(), Error::Paused);
// Check that the amount is greater than 0 and that supplied asset is the base asset
let amount = msg_amount();
let base_asset_id = storage.market_configuration.read().base_token;
amount > 0 && msg_asset_id() == base_asset_id,
// Accrue interest
// Get caller's user basic state
let caller = msg_sender().unwrap();
let user_basic = storage.user_basic.get(caller).try_read().unwrap_or(UserBasic::default());
let user_principal = user_basic.principal;
// Calculate new balance and principal value
let user_balance = present_value(user_principal) + I256::try_from(u256::from(amount)).unwrap();
let user_principal_new = principal_value(user_balance);
// Calculate repay and supply amounts
let (repay_amount, supply_amount) = repay_and_supply_amount(user_principal, user_principal_new);
// Read and update market basic information
let mut market_basic = storage.market_basic.read();
market_basic.total_supply_base += supply_amount;
market_basic.total_borrow_base -= repay_amount;
// Write to storage (market_basic)
// Update and write principal to storage
update_base_principal(caller, user_basic, user_principal_new);
if user_balance < I256::zero() {
// Check that the borrow amount is greater than the minimum allowed
.unwrap() >= storage
// Emit user supply base event
log(UserSupplyBaseEvent {
account: caller,
// Emit market basic event
log(MarketBasicEvent { market_basic });
// ## 4.2 Withdraw base (borrowing if possible/necessary)
/// This function allows users to withdraw a specified amount of base assets, potentially borrowing if necessary.
/// # Arguments
/// * `amount`: [u64] - The amount of base asset to be withdrawn.
/// * `price_data_update`: [PriceDataUpdate] - The price data update struct to be used for updating the price feeds.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the user is not collateralized.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Writes: `3`
/// * Reads: `5`
#[payable, storage(write)]
fn withdraw_base(amount: u64, price_data_update: PriceDataUpdate) {
// Only allow withdrawing if paused flag is not set
require(!storage.pause_config.withdraw_paused.read(), Error::Paused);
// Check that the amount is greater than 0
require(amount > 0, Error::InvalidPayment);
// Accrue interest
// Get caller's user basic state
let caller = msg_sender().unwrap();
let user_basic = storage.user_basic.get(caller).try_read().unwrap_or(UserBasic::default());
let user_principal = user_basic.principal;
// Calculate new balance and principal value
let user_balance = present_value(user_principal) - I256::try_from(u256::from(amount)).unwrap();
let user_principal_new = principal_value(user_balance);
// Calculate withdraw and borrow amounts
let (withdraw_amount, borrow_amount) = withdraw_and_borrow_amount(user_principal, user_principal_new);
log(UserWithdrawBaseEvent {
account: caller,
// Read and update market basic information
let mut market_basic = storage.market_basic.read();
market_basic.total_supply_base -= withdraw_amount;
market_basic.total_borrow_base += borrow_amount;
// Write to storage (market_basic)
// Emit market basic event
log(MarketBasicEvent { market_basic });
// Update and write principal to storage
update_base_principal(caller, user_basic, user_principal_new);
if user_balance < I256::zero() {
// Check that the borrow amount is greater than the minimum allowed
.unwrap() >= storage
// Update price data
// Check that the user is borrow collateralized
require(is_borrow_collateralized(caller), Error::NotCollateralized);
// Transfer base asset to the caller
// ## 4.3 Get user supply and borrow
/// This function retrieves the amount of base asset supplied and borrowed by a specific user.
/// # Arguments
/// * `account`: [Identity] - The account of the user.
/// # Returns
/// * [u256] - The amount of base asset supplied by the user.
/// * [u256] - The amount of base asset borrowed by the user.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `3`
fn get_user_supply_borrow(account: Identity) -> (u256, u256) {
// ## 4.4 Get how much user can borrow
/// This function calculates the amount of base asset a user can borrow based on their collateral and current borrow position.
/// # Arguments
/// * `account`: [Identity] - The account of the user.
/// # Returns
/// * [u256] - The amount of base asset the user can borrow.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `4 + storage.collateral_configurations_keys.len() * 5`
fn available_to_borrow(account: Identity) -> u256 {
// Get user's supply and borrow
let (_, borrow) = get_user_supply_borrow_internal(account);
let mut borrow_limit: u256 = 0;
// Calculate borrow limit for each collateral asset the user has
let mut index = 0;
let len = storage.collateral_configurations_keys.len();
let market_configuration = storage.market_configuration.read();
while index < len {
let collateral_configuration = storage.collateral_configurations.get(storage.collateral_configurations_keys.get(index).unwrap().read()).read();
let balance: u256 = storage.user_collateral.get((account, collateral_configuration.asset_id)).try_read().unwrap_or(0).into();
if balance == 0 {
index += 1;
let price = get_price_internal(collateral_configuration.price_feed_id, PricePosition::LowerBound); // decimals: price.exponent
let price_exponent = price.exponent;
let price_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(price.exponent);
let price = u256::from(price.price); // decimals: price.exponent
let amount = balance * collateral_configuration.borrow_collateral_factor / FACTOR_SCALE_18; // decimals: collateral_configuration.decimals
let collateral_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(collateral_configuration.decimals);
let base_asset_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(market_configuration.base_token_decimals);
borrow_limit += amount * price * base_asset_scale / collateral_scale / price_scale; // decimals: base_token_decimals
index += 1;
// Get the base token price
let base_price = get_price_internal(market_configuration.base_token_price_feed_id, PricePosition::Middle); // decimals: base_price.exponent
let base_price_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(base_price.exponent);
let base_price = u256::from(base_price.price); // decimals: base_price.exponent
let borrow_limit = borrow_limit * base_price_scale / base_price; // decimals: base_token_decimals
if borrow_limit < borrow {
} else {
// Returns how much the user can borrow
borrow_limit - borrow
// # 5. Liquidation management
// ## 5.1 Absorb
/// This function absorbs a list of underwater accounts onto the protocol balance sheet.
/// # Arguments
/// * `accounts`: [Vec<Identity>] - The list of underwater accounts to be absorbed.
/// * `price_data_update`: [PriceDataUpdate] - The price data update struct to be used for updating the price feeds.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Writes: `2 + accounts.len() * 4`
/// * Reads: `5 + accounts.len() * 5`
#[payable, storage(write)]
fn absorb(accounts: Vec<Identity>, price_data_update: PriceDataUpdate) {
// Check that the pause flag is not set
require(!storage.pause_config.absorb_paused.read(), Error::Paused);
// Accrue interest
// Update price data
let mut index = 0;
// Loop and absorb each account
while index < accounts.len() {
index += 1;
// ## 5.2 Is liquidatable
/// This function checks if an account is liquidatable.
/// # Arguments
/// * account: [Identity] - The account to be checked.
/// # Returns
/// * [bool] - True if the account is liquidatable, False otherwise.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: 1
fn is_liquidatable(account: Identity) -> bool {
let present = get_user_balance_with_interest_internal(account);
is_liquidatable_internal(account, present)
// # 6. Protocol collateral management
// ## 6.1 Buying collateral
/// This function allows buying collateral from the protocol. Prices are not updated here as the caller is expected to update them in the same transaction using a multicall handler.
/// # Arguments
/// * `asset_id`: [AssetId] - The asset ID of the collateral asset to be bought.
/// * `min_amount`: [u64] - The minimum amount of collateral to be bought.
/// * `recipient`: [Identity] - The account of the recipient of the collateral.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the buy operation is paused.
/// * When payment is not in the base token or the amount is zero.
/// * When reserves are sufficient or not less than target reserves.
/// * When the quoted collateral amount is less than the minimum requested.
/// * When collateral reserves are insufficient.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `8`
#[payable, storage(read)]
fn buy_collateral(asset_id: AssetId, min_amount: u64, recipient: Identity) {
// Only allow buying collateral if paused flag is not set
require(!storage.pause_config.buy_paused.read(), Error::Paused);
let payment_amount = msg_amount();
// Only allow payment in the base token and check that the payment amount is greater than 0
msg_asset_id() == storage
.base_token && payment_amount > 0,
let reserves = get_reserves_internal() - I256::try_from(u256::from(payment_amount)).unwrap();
// Only allow purchases if reserves are negative or if the reserves are less than the target reserves
reserves < I256::try_from(storage.market_configuration.read().target_reserves)
let reserves = get_collateral_reserves_internal(asset_id);
// Calculate the quote for a collateral asset in exchange for an amount of the base asset
let collateral_amount = quote_collateral_internal(asset_id, payment_amount);
// Check that the quote is greater than or equal to the minimum requested amount
require(collateral_amount >= min_amount, Error::TooMuchSlippage);
// Check that the quote is less than or equal to the reserves
.unwrap() <= reserves,
let caller = msg_sender().unwrap();
// Emit buy collateral event
log(BuyCollateralEvent {
amount: collateral_amount,
price: payment_amount,
// Transfer the collateral asset to the recipient
transfer(recipient, asset_id, collateral_amount);
/// This function calculates the base asset value for selling a collateral asset.
/// # Arguments
/// * `asset_id`: [AssetId] - The asset ID of the collateral asset.
/// * `collateral_amount`: [u64] - The amount of the collateral asset.
/// # Returns
/// * [u64] - The value of the collateral asset in base asset.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `5`
fn collateral_value_to_sell(asset_id: AssetId, collateral_amount: u64) -> u64 { // decimals: base_token_decimals
let collateral_configuration = storage.collateral_configurations.get(asset_id).read();
let market_configuration = storage.market_configuration.read();
// Get the collateral asset price
let asset_price = get_price_internal(collateral_configuration.price_feed_id, PricePosition::UpperBound); // decimals: asset_price.exponent
let asset_price_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(asset_price.exponent);
let asset_price = u256::from(asset_price.price); // decimals: asset_price.exponent
let discount_factor: u256 = market_configuration.store_front_price_factor * (FACTOR_SCALE_18 - collateral_configuration.liquidation_penalty) / FACTOR_SCALE_18; // decimals: 18
let asset_price_discounted: u256 = asset_price * (FACTOR_SCALE_18 - discount_factor) / FACTOR_SCALE_18; // decimals: asset_price.exponent
// Get the base token price
let base_price = get_price_internal(market_configuration.base_token_price_feed_id, PricePosition::Middle); // decimals: base_price.exponent
let base_price_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(base_price.exponent);
let base_price = u256::from(base_price.price); // decimals: base_price.exponent
let collateral_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(collateral_configuration.decimals);
let base_asset_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(market_configuration.base_token_decimals);
let asset_discounted = asset_price_discounted * collateral_amount.into() / asset_price_scale; // decimals: collateral_asset.decimals
let collateral_value = asset_discounted * base_asset_scale * base_price_scale / base_price / collateral_scale;
// Native assets are in u64
<u64 as TryFrom<u256>>::try_from(collateral_value).unwrap()
// ## 6.3 Get collateral quote for an amount of base asset
/// This function calculates the quote for collateral by considering the asset price, base price, and discount factors based on the collateral configuration.
/// # Arguments
/// * `asset_id`: [AssetId] - The asset ID of the collateral asset.
/// * `base_amount`: [u64] - The amount of base asset for which the quote is requested.
/// # Returns
/// * [u64] - The quote for the collateral asset in exchange for the base asset.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the conversion from `u256` to `u64` fails due to overflow.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `2`
fn quote_collateral(asset_id: AssetId, base_amount: u64) -> u64 {
quote_collateral_internal(asset_id, base_amount)
// ## 7. Reserves management
// ## 7.1 Get reserves
/// This function calculates and returns the total amount of protocol reserves of the base asset.
/// # Returns
/// * [I256] - The reserves of the base asset, expressed in base token decimals.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `3` (Reads market basic, market configuration, and current balance of the base token.)
fn get_reserves() -> I256 {
// ## 7.2 Withdraw reserves
/// This function allows the owner to withdraw a specified amount of reserves from the contract.
/// # Arguments
/// * `to`: [Identity] - The account to which the reserves will be sent.
/// * `amount`: [u64] - The amount of reserves to be withdrawn.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the caller is not the owner.
/// * When the amount requested exceeds the available reserves.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `4`
fn withdraw_reserves(to: Identity, amount: u64) {
// Only owner can withdraw reserves
let caller = msg_sender().unwrap();
let reserves = get_reserves_internal();
// Check that the amount is less than or equal to the reserves
reserves >= I256::try_from(u256::from(amount))
// Emit reserves withdrawn event
log(ReservesWithdrawnEvent {
// Transfer the reserves to the recipient
transfer(to, storage.market_configuration.read().base_token, amount)
// ## 7.3 Get the collateral reserves of an asset
/// This function retrieves the reserves of a specified collateral asset.
/// # Arguments
/// * `asset_id`: [AssetId] - The asset ID of the collateral asset.
/// # Returns
/// * [I256] - The reserves (in asset decimals).
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
fn get_collateral_reserves(asset_id: AssetId) -> I256 {
// ## 8. Pause management
// ## 8.1 Pause
/// This function updates the pause configuration of the contract.
/// # Arguments
/// * `pause_config`: [PauseConfiguration] - The pause configuration to be set.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the caller is not the owner.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Writes: `1`
fn pause(pause_config: PauseConfiguration) {
// Only owner can change the pause configuration
// Emit pause configuration updated event
log(PauseConfigurationEvent { pause_config });
/// This function retrieves the current pause configuration.
/// # Returns
/// * [PauseConfiguration] - The current pause configuration settings.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
fn get_pause_configuration() -> PauseConfiguration {
// # 9. Getters
// ## 9.1 Get market configuration
/// This function retrieves the current market configuration.
/// # Returns
/// * [MarketConfiguration] - The market configuration.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
fn get_market_configuration() -> MarketConfiguration {
// ## 9.2 Get market basics
/// This function retrieves the current market basic information.
/// # Returns
/// * [MarketBasics] - The market basic information.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
fn get_market_basics() -> MarketBasics {
// ## 9.4 Get market basics (with included interest)
/// This function retrieves the current market basic information, including accrued interest.
/// # Returns
/// * [MarketBasics] - The market basic information (with included interest).
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
fn get_market_basics_with_interest() -> MarketBasics {
let mut market_basic = storage.market_basic.read();
let last_accrual_time = market_basic.last_accrual_time;
let current_time = timestamp();
// Calculate new indices
let (supply_index, borrow_index) = accrued_interest_indices(current_time.into(), last_accrual_time);
// Set latest values
market_basic.last_accrual_time = current_time.into();
market_basic.base_supply_index = supply_index;
market_basic.base_borrow_index = borrow_index;
market_basic.total_supply_base = present_value_supply(
market_basic.total_borrow_base = present_value_borrow(
// ## 9.5 Get user basic
/// This function retrieves the basic information of a specified user.
/// # Arguments
/// * `account`: [Identity] - The account of the user.
/// # Returns
/// * [UserBasic] - The user basic information.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
fn get_user_basic(account: Identity) -> UserBasic {
// ## 9.6 Get user balance (with included interest)
/// This function retrieves the user's balance, including accrued interest.
/// # Arguments
/// * `account`: [Identity] - The account of the user.
/// # Returns
/// * [I256] - The user balance (with included interest).
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
fn get_user_balance_with_interest(account: Identity) -> I256 {
// ## 9.7 Get utilization
/// This function calculates the utilization of the market, defined as the ratio of total borrowed
/// amount to total supplied amount.
/// # Returns
/// * [u256] - The utilization of the market (decimals 18).
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: 1 (Reads market basic information).
fn get_utilization() -> u256 {
// ## 9.8 Get balance of an asset
/// This function retrieves the balance of a specified asset for the contract.
/// # Arguments
/// * `asset_id`: [AssetId] - The asset ID of the asset whose balance is to be retrieved.
/// # Returns
/// * [u64] - The balance of the specified asset.
fn balance_of(asset_id: AssetId) -> u64 {
// ## 9.9 Get supply rate for a given utilization
/// This function calculates the supply rate based on the market's utilization.
/// It applies different rates depending on whether the utilization is below or above the kink point.
/// # Arguments
/// * `utilization`: [u256] - The utilization of the market.
/// # Returns
/// * [u256] - The supply rate (decimals 18).
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `3 or 6`
fn get_supply_rate(utilization: u256) -> u256 {
// ## 9.10 Get borrow rate for a given utilization
/// This function calculates the borrow rate based on the market's utilization.
/// It uses different rates depending on whether the utilization is below or above the kink point.
/// # Arguments
/// * `utilization`: [u256] - The utilization of the market.
/// # Returns
/// * [u256] - The borrow rate (decimals 18).
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `3 or 6`
fn get_borrow_rate(utilization: u256) -> u256 {
// ## 10. Pyth Oracle management
/// This function sets the Pyth contract ID, allowing the contract to interact with the Pyth oracle.
/// # Arguments:
/// * `contract_id`: [ContractId] - The contract ID of the Pyth oracle to be set.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the caller is not the owner.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Writes: `1`
fn set_pyth_contract_id(contract_id: ContractId) {
// Only owner can set the Pyth contract ID
// Emit Pyth contract ID set event
log(SetPythContractIdEvent { contract_id });
/// This function retrieves the contract ID of the Pyth contract.
/// # Returns
/// * [ContractId] - The contract ID of the Pyth contract.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
fn get_pyth_contract_id() -> ContractId {
/// This function ensures that the price data is fresh and meets the required validation criteria.
/// # Arguments
/// * `price_feed_id`: [PriceFeedId] - The ID of the price feed for which the price is being retrieved.
/// # Returns
/// * [Price] - The price data retrieved from the oracle.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the `contract_id` is zero, indicating the oracle contract ID is not set.
/// * When the price is stale or ahead of the current timestamp.
/// * When the price is less than or equal to zero.
/// * When the confidence value exceeds the allowed width.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
fn get_price(price_feed_id: PriceFeedId) -> Price {
get_price_internal(price_feed_id, PricePosition::Middle)
/// This function interacts with an external oracle to obtain the update fee and ensures that the contract ID is valid.
/// # Arguments
/// * `update_data`: [Vec<Bytes>] - The data used for the fee update request.
/// # Returns
/// * [u64] - The update fee retrieved from the oracle.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the contract ID is not set (i.e., it is zero).
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
fn update_fee(update_data: Vec<Bytes>) -> u64 {
/// This function ensures that the provided price data update is valid and performs an update if the conditions are met.
/// # Arguments
/// * `price_data_update`: [PriceDataUpdate] - The data necessary for updating the price feeds.
/// # Returns
/// This function does not return a value.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the contract ID is not set (i.e., it is zero).
/// * When the payment amount is insufficient or the asset ID is not the base asset.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
#[payable, storage(read)]
fn update_price_feeds_if_necessary(price_data_update: PriceDataUpdate) {
// ## 11. Changing market configuration
/// This function updates the market configuration, allowing the owner to modify settings while preserving certain values.
/// # Arguments
/// * `configuration`: [MarketConfiguration] - The new market configuration to be set.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the caller is not the owner.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Writes: `1`
/// * Reads: `2`
fn update_market_configuration(configuration: MarketConfiguration) {
// Only owner can update the market configuration
let mut configuration = configuration;
// Cannot change base token and tracking index scale
configuration.base_token = storage.market_configuration.read().base_token;
configuration.base_tracking_index_scale = storage.market_configuration.read().base_tracking_index_scale;
// Update the market configuration
// Emit market configuration event
log(MarketConfigurationEvent {
market_config: configuration,
// ## 12. Ownership management
/// This function allows the current owner to transfer ownership of the contract to a new owner.
/// # Arguments
/// * `new_owner`: [Identity] - The identity of the new owner.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the caller is not the current owner.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
fn transfer_ownership(new_owner: Identity) {
// This function allows the current owner to renounce their ownership of the contract, making it ownerless.
/// # Additional Information
/// This action is irreversible and should be done with caution, as it removes all ownership privileges.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
fn renounce_ownership() {
impl SRC5 for Contract {
fn owner() -> State {
/// This function ensures that the price data is fresh and meets the required validation criteria.
/// # Arguments
/// * `price_feed_id`: [PriceFeedId] - The ID of the price feed for which the price is being retrieved.
/// # Returns
/// * [Price] - The price data retrieved from the oracle.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the `contract_id` is zero, indicating the oracle contract ID is not set.
/// * When the price is stale or ahead of the current timestamp.
/// * When the price is less than or equal to zero.
/// * When the confidence value exceeds the allowed width.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
fn get_price_internal(price_feed_id: PriceFeedId, price_position: PricePosition) -> Price {
let contract_id = storage.pyth_contract_id.read();
contract_id != ContractId::zero(),
let oracle = abi(PythCore, contract_id.bits());
let mut price = oracle.price(price_feed_id);
// validate values
if price.publish_time < std::block::timestamp() {
let staleness = std::block::timestamp() - price.publish_time;
} else {
let aheadness = price.publish_time - std::block::timestamp();
require(price.price != 0, Error::OraclePriceValidationError);
u256::from(price.confidence) <= (u256::from(price.price) * ORACLE_MAX_CONF_WIDTH / ORACLE_CONF_BASIS_POINTS),
if price_position == PricePosition::LowerBound {
price.price = price.price - price.confidence;
} else if price_position == PricePosition::UpperBound {
price.price = price.price + price.confidence;
/// This function interacts with an external oracle to obtain the update fee and ensures that the contract ID is valid.
/// # Arguments
/// * `update_data`: [Vec<Bytes>] - The data used for the fee update request.
/// # Returns
/// * [u64] - The update fee retrieved from the oracle.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the contract ID is not set (i.e., it is zero).
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
fn update_fee_internal(update_data: Vec<Bytes>) -> u64 {
let contract_id = storage.pyth_contract_id.read();
contract_id != ContractId::zero(),
let oracle = abi(PythCore, contract_id.bits());
let fee = oracle.update_fee(update_data);
/// This function ensures that the provided price data update is valid and performs an update if the conditions are met.
/// # Arguments
/// * `price_data_update`: [PriceDataUpdate] - The data necessary for updating the price feeds.
/// # Returns
/// This function does not return a value.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the contract ID is not set (i.e., it is zero).
/// * When the payment amount is insufficient or the asset ID is not the base asset.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
#[payable, storage(read)]
fn update_price_feeds_if_necessary_internal(price_data_update: PriceDataUpdate) {
let contract_id = storage.pyth_contract_id.read();
contract_id != ContractId::zero(),
// check if the payment is sufficient
msg_amount() >= price_data_update
.update_fee && msg_asset_id() == AssetId::base(),
let oracle = abi(PythCore, contract_id.bits());
.update_price_feeds_if_necessary {
asset_id: AssetId::base().bits(),
coins: price_data_update.update_fee,
/// Returns the current timestamp or the timestamp of the last debug step if debugging is enabled.
/// # Returns
/// * [u64] - Timestamp.
fn timestamp() -> u64 {
if DEBUG_STEP > 0 {
} else {
/// Calculates the present value based on the given base supply index and principal value.
/// # Arguments
/// * `base_supply_index`: [u256] - The base supply index.
/// * `principal`: [u256] - The principal value.
/// # Returns
/// * [u256] - The present value (base_token_decimals).
/// # Examples
/// ```sway
/// let present_value = present_value_supply(base_supply_index, principal);
/// ```
pub fn present_value_supply(base_supply_index: u256, principal: u256) -> u256 {
principal * base_supply_index / BASE_INDEX_SCALE_15
/// Calculates the present value based on the given base borrow index and principal value.
/// # Arguments
/// * `base_borrow_index`: [u256] - The base borrow index.
/// * `principal`: [u256] - The principal value.
/// # Returns
/// * [u256] - The present value (base_token_decimals).
/// # Examples
/// ```sway
/// let present_value = present_value_borrow(base_borrow_index, principal);
/// ```
pub fn present_value_borrow(base_borrow_index: u256, principal: u256) -> u256 {
(principal * base_borrow_index + BASE_INDEX_SCALE_15 - 1) / BASE_INDEX_SCALE_15
/// Calculates the principal value based on the given base supply index and present value.
/// # Arguments
/// * `base_supply_index`: [u256] - The base supply index.
/// * `present`: [u256] - The present value.
/// # Returns
/// * [u256] - The principal value (base_token_decimals).
/// # Examples
/// ```sway
/// let principal = principal_value_supply(base_supply_index, present);
/// ```
pub fn principal_value_supply(base_supply_index: u256, present: u256) -> u256 {
present * BASE_INDEX_SCALE_15 / base_supply_index
/// Calculates the principal value based on the given base borrow index and present value.
/// # Arguments
/// * `base_borrow_index`: [u256] - The base borrow index.
/// * `present`: [u256] - The present value.
/// # Returns
/// * [u256] - The principal value (base_token_decimals).
/// # Examples
/// ```sway
/// let principal = principal_value_borrow(base_borrow_index, present);
/// ```
pub fn principal_value_borrow(base_borrow_index: u256, present: u256) -> u256 {
(present * BASE_INDEX_SCALE_15 + base_borrow_index - 1) / base_borrow_index
/// Calculates the present value based on the provided principal.
/// # Arguments
/// * `principal`: [I256] - The principal value (can be positive or negative).
/// # Returns
/// * [I256] - The present value (base_token_decimals).
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
fn present_value(principal: I256) -> I256 {
let market_basic = storage.market_basic.read();
if principal >= I256::zero() {
let present_value = present_value_supply(
} else {
let present_value = present_value_borrow(
/// Calculates the principal value based on the given present value.
/// It determines whether the present value is positive or negative to calculate
/// the corresponding principal value from either supply or borrow.
/// # Arguments
/// * `present_value`: [I256] - The present value (can be positive or negative).
/// # Returns
/// * [I256] - The principal value (base_token_decimals).
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
fn principal_value(present_value: I256) -> I256 {
let market_basic = storage.market_basic.read();
if present_value >= I256::zero() {
let principal_value = principal_value_supply(
} else {
let principal_value = principal_value_borrow(
/// This function calculates the utilization of the market, defined as the ratio of total borrowed
/// amount to total supplied amount.
/// # Returns
/// * [u256] - The utilization of the market (decimals 18).
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
fn get_utilization_internal() -> u256 {
let market_basic = storage.market_basic.read();
let total_supply_base = present_value_supply(
let total_borrow_base = present_value_borrow(
if total_supply_base == u256::zero() {
} else {
total_borrow_base * FACTOR_SCALE_18 / total_supply_base
/// This function calculates the supply rate based on the market's utilization.
/// It applies different rates depending on whether the utilization is below or above the kink point.
/// # Arguments
/// * `utilization`: [u256] - The utilization of the market.
/// # Returns
/// * [u256] - The supply rate (decimals 18).
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `3 or 6`
fn get_supply_rate_internal(utilization: u256) -> u256 {
if utilization <= storage.market_configuration.read().supply_kink
storage.market_configuration.read().supply_per_second_interest_rate_base + storage.market_configuration.read().supply_per_second_interest_rate_slope_low * utilization / FACTOR_SCALE_18
} else {
storage.market_configuration.read().supply_per_second_interest_rate_base + (storage.market_configuration.read().supply_per_second_interest_rate_slope_low * storage.market_configuration.read().supply_kink / FACTOR_SCALE_18) + (storage.market_configuration.read().supply_per_second_interest_rate_slope_high * (utilization - storage.market_configuration.read().supply_kink) / FACTOR_SCALE_18)
/// This function calculates the borrow rate based on the market's utilization.
/// It uses different rates depending on whether the utilization is below or above the kink point.
/// # Arguments
/// * `utilization`: [u256] - The utilization of the market.
/// # Returns
/// * [u256] - The borrow rate (decimals 18).
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `3 or 6`
fn get_borrow_rate_internal(utilization: u256) -> u256 {
if utilization <= storage.market_configuration.read().borrow_kink
storage.market_configuration.read().borrow_per_second_interest_rate_base + storage.market_configuration.read().borrow_per_second_interest_rate_slope_low * utilization / FACTOR_SCALE_18
} else {
storage.market_configuration.read().borrow_per_second_interest_rate_base + (storage.market_configuration.read().borrow_per_second_interest_rate_slope_low * storage.market_configuration.read().borrow_kink / FACTOR_SCALE_18) + (storage.market_configuration.read().borrow_per_second_interest_rate_slope_high * (utilization - storage.market_configuration.read().borrow_kink) / FACTOR_SCALE_18)
/// This function calculates the user's supply and borrow amounts for the base asset.
/// It retrieves the user's principal and computes the supply and borrow based on the
/// accrued interest indices.
/// # Arguments
/// * `account`: [Identity] - The account of the user.
/// # Returns
/// * [u256] - The amount of base asset supplied by the user.
/// * [u256] - The amount of base asset borrowed by the user.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `3`
fn get_user_supply_borrow_internal(account: Identity) -> (u256, u256) {
let principal = storage.user_basic.get(account).try_read().unwrap_or(UserBasic::default()).principal;
let last_accrual_time = storage.market_basic.last_accrual_time.read();
let (supply_index, borrow_index) = accrued_interest_indices(timestamp().into(), last_accrual_time);
if principal >= I256::zero() {
let supply = present_value_supply(supply_index, principal.try_into().unwrap());
(supply, 0)
} else {
let borrow = present_value_borrow(borrow_index, principal.wrapping_neg().try_into().unwrap());
(0, borrow)
/// This function calculates the accrued interest indices for base token supply and borrows.
/// It updates the base supply and borrow indices based on the current timestamp and the
/// timestamp of the last accrual.
/// # Arguments
/// * `now`: [u256] - The current timestamp.
/// * `last_accrual_time`: [u256] - The timestamp of the last accrual.
/// # Returns
/// * [u256] - The updated base token supply index (18 decimals).
/// * [u256] - The updated base token borrow index (18 decimals).
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `between 8 and 14`
fn accrued_interest_indices(now: u256, last_accrual_time: u256) -> (u256, u256) {
if last_accrual_time == 0 {
// Market basics
let market_basic = storage.market_basic.read();
let mut base_supply_index = market_basic.base_supply_index; // decimals 18
let mut base_borrow_index = market_basic.base_borrow_index; // decimals 18
// Calculate time elapsed since last accrual
let time_elapsed = now - last_accrual_time;
if time_elapsed > 0 {
let utilization = get_utilization_internal(); // decimals 18
let supply_rate = get_supply_rate_internal(utilization); // decimals 18
let borrow_rate = get_borrow_rate_internal(utilization); // decimals 18
// Calculate new base indices
let base_supply_index_delta = base_supply_index * supply_rate * time_elapsed / FACTOR_SCALE_18;
let base_borrow_index_delta = base_borrow_index * borrow_rate * time_elapsed / FACTOR_SCALE_18;
base_supply_index += base_supply_index_delta;
base_borrow_index += base_borrow_index_delta;
(base_supply_index, base_borrow_index)
/// This function checks if the dollar value of the user's collateral, multiplied by the borrow
/// collateral factor, is greater than the planned loan amount.
/// It determines whether the user's collateral is sufficient to cover the desired borrow amount.
/// # Arguments
/// * `account`: [Identity] - The account of the user whose collateral is being checked.
/// # Returns
/// * [bool] - Returns `true` if the user's collateral sufficiently covers the borrow amount, `false` otherwise.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `4 + storage.collateral_configurations_keys.len() * 4`
fn is_borrow_collateralized(account: Identity) -> bool {
let principal = storage.user_basic.get(account).try_read().unwrap_or(UserBasic::default()).principal; // decimals: base_asset_decimal
if principal >= I256::zero() {
return true
let present = present_value(principal); // decimals: base_token_decimals
let mut borrow_limit: u256 = 0;
let mut index = 0;
let len = storage.collateral_configurations_keys.len();
while index < len {
let collateral_configuration = storage.collateral_configurations.get(storage.collateral_configurations_keys.get(index).unwrap().read()).read();
let balance: u256 = storage.user_collateral.get((account, collateral_configuration.asset_id)).try_read().unwrap_or(0).into(); // decimals: collateral_configuration.decimals
if balance == 0 {
index += 1;
let price = get_price_internal(collateral_configuration.price_feed_id, PricePosition::LowerBound); // decimals: price.exponent decimals
let price_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(price.exponent);
let price = u256::from(price.price); // decimals: price.exponent
let collateral_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(collateral_configuration.decimals);
let base_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(storage.market_configuration.read().base_token_decimals);
let amount = balance * price / price_scale; // decimals: collateral_configuration.decimals
borrow_limit += amount * collateral_configuration.borrow_collateral_factor * base_scale / FACTOR_SCALE_18 / collateral_scale; // decimals: base_token_decimals
index += 1;
let base_token_price = get_price_internal(storage.market_configuration.read().base_token_price_feed_id, PricePosition::Middle); // decimals: base_token_price.exponent
let base_token_price_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(base_token_price.exponent);
let base_token_price = u256::from(base_token_price.price);
let borrow_amount = u256::try_from(present.wrapping_neg()).unwrap() * base_token_price / base_token_price_scale; // decimals: base_token_decimals
borrow_amount <= borrow_limit
/// This function checks whether an account has enough collateral to avoid liquidation.
/// It calculates the present value of the account's debt and compares it to the liquidation threshold,
/// which is based on the value of the collateral provided by the account.
/// # Arguments
/// * `account`: [Identity] - The account to be checked for liquidation risk.
/// # Returns
/// * [bool] - Returns `true` if the account is liquidatable, `false` otherwise.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `4 + storage.collateral_configurations_keys.len() * 4`
fn is_liquidatable_internal(account: Identity, present: I256) -> bool {
if present >= I256::zero() {
return false
let present: u256 = present.wrapping_neg().try_into().unwrap(); // decimals: base_token_decimals
let mut liquidation_treshold: u256 = 0;
let mut index = 0;
let len = storage.collateral_configurations_keys.len();
while index < len {
let collateral_configuration = storage.collateral_configurations.get(storage.collateral_configurations_keys.get(index).unwrap().read()).read();
let balance: u256 = storage.user_collateral.get((account, collateral_configuration.asset_id)).try_read().unwrap_or(0).into(); // decimals: collateral_configuration.decimals
if balance == 0 {
index += 1;
let price = get_price_internal(collateral_configuration.price_feed_id, PricePosition::LowerBound); // decimals: price.exponent
let price_scale = u256::from(10.pow(price.exponent));
let price = u256::from(price.price); // decimals: price.exponent
let collateral_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(collateral_configuration.decimals);
let base_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(storage.market_configuration.read().base_token_decimals);
let amount = balance * price / price_scale; // decimals: collateral_configuration.decimals
liquidation_treshold += amount * collateral_configuration.liquidate_collateral_factor * base_scale / FACTOR_SCALE_18 / collateral_scale; // decimals: base_token_decimals
index += 1;
let base_token_price = get_price_internal(storage.market_configuration.read().base_token_price_feed_id, PricePosition::Middle); // decimals: base_token_price.exponent
let base_token_price_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(base_token_price.exponent);
let base_token_price = u256::from(base_token_price.price); // decimals: base_token_price.exponent
let borrow_amount = present * base_token_price / base_token_price_scale; // decimals: base_token_decimals
borrow_amount > liquidation_treshold
/// This function calculates and returns the collateral reserves of a specific asset.
/// It subtracts the total collateral supplied from the current balance of the asset.
/// # Arguments
/// * `asset_id`: [AssetId] - The asset ID of the collateral asset.
/// # Returns
/// * [I256] - The reserves of the collateral asset, expressed in asset decimals.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `1`
fn get_collateral_reserves_internal(asset_id: AssetId) -> I256 {
I256::try_from(u256::from(this_balance(asset_id))).unwrap() - I256::try_from(u256::from(storage.totals_collateral.get(asset_id).try_read().unwrap_or(0))).unwrap()
/// This function calculates and returns the total amount of protocol reserves of the base asset.
/// It takes into account the current balance, the total supply, and the total borrow values,
/// adjusted by the accrued interest indices.
/// # Returns
/// * [I256] - The reserves of the base asset, expressed in base token decimals.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `3`
fn get_reserves_internal() -> I256 {
let market_basic = storage.market_basic.read();
let (base_supply_index, base_borrow_index) = accrued_interest_indices(timestamp().into(), market_basic.last_accrual_time); // decimals: (18, 18)
let balance = this_balance(storage.market_configuration.read().base_token); // decimals: base_token_decimals
let total_supply = present_value_supply(base_supply_index, market_basic.total_supply_base); // decimals: base_token_decimals
let total_borrow = present_value_borrow(base_borrow_index, market_basic.total_borrow_base); // decimals: base_token_decimals
I256::try_from(u256::from(balance)).unwrap() - I256::try_from(total_supply).unwrap() + I256::try_from(total_borrow).unwrap()
/// This function accrues interest on the base supply and borrow indices.
/// It updates the market's supply and borrow indices based on the elapsed time since the last accrual,
/// and adjusts the tracking indices for reward calculations.
/// # Reverts
/// * The function assumes all calculations succeed without explicitly handling errors.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `3`
/// * Writes: `1`
fn accrue_internal() {
let mut market_basic = storage.market_basic.read();
// Read time and calculate time elapsed since last accrual
let now: u256 = timestamp().into();
let time_elapsed = now - market_basic.last_accrual_time;
if time_elapsed > 0 {
if market_basic.last_accrual_time != 0 {
let (base_supply_index, base_borrow_index) = accrued_interest_indices(now, market_basic.last_accrual_time);
// Update base supply and borrow indices
market_basic.base_supply_index = base_supply_index;
market_basic.base_borrow_index = base_borrow_index;
let base_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(storage.market_configuration.read().base_token_decimals);
// Calculate rewards and update tracking indices
if market_basic.total_supply_base >= storage.market_configuration.read().base_min_for_rewards {
market_basic.tracking_supply_index += storage.market_configuration.read().base_tracking_supply_speed * time_elapsed * base_scale / market_basic.total_supply_base; // decimals: 15
if market_basic.total_borrow_base >= storage.market_configuration.read().base_min_for_rewards {
market_basic.tracking_borrow_index += storage.market_configuration.read().base_tracking_borrow_speed * time_elapsed * base_scale / market_basic.total_borrow_base; // decimals: 15
// Update last_accrual_time
market_basic.last_accrual_time = now;
// Write to storage (market_basic)
/// This function updates the user's base principal and accrues interest based on changes in balance.
/// It updates the reward variables (base tracking index and accrued interest) for the user.
/// # Arguments
/// * `account`: [Identity] - The account of the user.
/// * `basic`: [UserBasic] - The user's basic information, including current principal and tracking details.
/// * `principal_new`: [I256] - The new principal value that the user holds.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `3`
/// * Writes: `1`
fn update_base_principal(account: Identity, basic: UserBasic, principal_new: I256) {
let market_basic = storage.market_basic.read();
let market_configuration = storage.market_configuration.read();
let principal = basic.principal;
let mut basic = basic;
basic.principal = principal_new;
let accrual_descale_factor: u256 = u256::from(10_u64).pow(market_configuration.base_token_decimals) / BASE_ACCRUAL_SCALE;
// Calculate accrued base interest
if principal >= I256::zero() {
let index_delta: u256 = market_basic.tracking_supply_index - basic.base_tracking_index;
let base_tracking_accrued_delta = index_delta * principal.try_into().unwrap() / market_configuration.base_tracking_index_scale / accrual_descale_factor;
basic.base_tracking_accrued += base_tracking_accrued_delta;
} else {
let index_delta: u256 = market_basic.tracking_borrow_index - basic.base_tracking_index;
let base_tracking_accrued_delta = index_delta * principal.wrapping_neg().try_into().unwrap() / market_configuration.base_tracking_index_scale / accrual_descale_factor;
basic.base_tracking_accrued += base_tracking_accrued_delta;
// Update base tracking indices
if principal_new >= I256::zero() {
basic.base_tracking_index = market_basic.tracking_supply_index;
} else {
basic.base_tracking_index = market_basic.tracking_borrow_index;
// Write storage (user basic)
storage.user_basic.insert(account, basic);
// Emit user basic event
log(UserBasicEvent {
user_basic: basic,
/// This function calculates the repay and supply amounts based on changes in principal values.
/// If the `new_principal` is less than the `old_principal`, no repayment or supply is assumed.
/// If the `new_principal` is zero or negative, it calculates the repay amount.
/// If both principals are zero or positive, it calculates the supply amount.
/// # Arguments
/// * `old_principal`: [I256] - The principal before the change.
/// * `new_principal`: [I256] - The principal after the change.
/// # Returns
/// * [u256] - The amount of base asset to be repaid.
/// * [u256] - The amount of base asset to be supplied.
/// # Reverts
/// * The function does not handle reverts directly but assumes all conversions with `try_into()` and `unwrap()` succeed.
fn repay_and_supply_amount(old_principal: I256, new_principal: I256) -> (u256, u256) {
// If the new principal is less than the old principal, then no amount has been repaid or supplied
if new_principal < old_principal {
return (u256::zero(), u256::zero())
if new_principal <= I256::zero() {
return ((new_principal - old_principal).try_into().unwrap(), u256::zero());
} else if old_principal >= I256::zero() {
return (u256::zero(), (new_principal - old_principal).try_into().unwrap());
} else {
return (
/// This function calculates the withdrawn and borrowed amounts based on changes in principal values.
/// If the `new_principal` is greater than the `old_principal`, it assumes no withdrawal or borrowing occurred.
/// If the `new_principal` is zero or positive, it calculates the withdrawal amount.
/// If both principals are zero or negative, it calculates the borrowing amount.
/// # Arguments
/// * `old_principal`: [I256] - The previous principal amount before any change.
/// * `new_principal`: [I256] - The updated principal amount after any withdrawal or borrowing.
/// # Returns
/// * [u256] - The amount withdrawn, if applicable.
/// * [u256] - The amount borrowed, if applicable.
/// # Reverts
/// * The function does not handle reverts directly but assumes all conversions with `try_into()` and `unwrap()` succeed.
fn withdraw_and_borrow_amount(old_principal: I256, new_principal: I256) -> (u256, u256) {
// If the new principal is greater than the old principal, then no amount has been withdrawn or borrowed
if new_principal > old_principal {
return (u256::zero(), u256::zero())
if new_principal >= I256::zero() {
return ((old_principal - new_principal).try_into().unwrap(), u256::zero());
} else if old_principal <= I256::zero() {
return (u256::zero(), (old_principal - new_principal).try_into().unwrap());
} else {
return (
/// This function calculates the quote for collateral by considering the asset price, base price, and discount factors based on the collateral configuration.
/// # Arguments
/// * `asset_id`: [AssetId] - The asset ID of the collateral asset.
/// * `base_amount`: [u64] - The amount of base asset for which the quote is requested.
/// # Returns
/// * [u64] - The quote for the collateral asset in exchange for the base asset.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the conversion from `u256` to `u64` fails due to overflow.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `2`
fn quote_collateral_internal(asset_id: AssetId, base_amount: u64) -> u64 {
let collateral_configuration = storage.collateral_configurations.get(asset_id).read();
let market_configuration = storage.market_configuration.read();
// Get the asset price
let asset_price = get_price_internal(collateral_configuration.price_feed_id, PricePosition::UpperBound); // decimals: asset_price.exponent
let asset_price_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(asset_price.exponent);
let asset_price = u256::from(asset_price.price); // decimals: asset_price.exponent
// Get the base token price
let base_price = get_price_internal(market_configuration.base_token_price_feed_id, PricePosition::Middle); // decimals: base_price.exponent
let base_price_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(base_price.exponent);
let base_price = u256::from(base_price.price); // decimals: base_price.exponent
let discount_factor: u256 = market_configuration.store_front_price_factor * (FACTOR_SCALE_18 - collateral_configuration.liquidation_penalty) / FACTOR_SCALE_18; // decimals: 18
let asset_price_discounted: u256 = asset_price * (FACTOR_SCALE_18 - discount_factor) / FACTOR_SCALE_18; // decimals: asset_price.exponent
let collateral_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(collateral_configuration.decimals);
let base_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(market_configuration.base_token_decimals);
let value = base_price * base_amount.into() / base_scale; // decimals: base_price.exponent
let quote = value * asset_price_scale * collateral_scale / asset_price_discounted / base_price_scale; // decimals: collateral_configuration.decimals
// Native assets are in u64
<u64 as TryFrom<u256>>::try_from(quote).unwrap()
/// This function retrieves the user's balance, including accrued interest.
/// # Arguments
/// * `account`: [Identity] - The account of the user.
/// # Returns
/// * [I256] - The user balance (with included interest).
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `2`
fn get_user_balance_with_interest_internal(account: Identity) -> I256 {
let mut user_basic = storage.user_basic.get(account).try_read().unwrap_or(UserBasic::default());
let last_accrual_time = storage.market_basic.last_accrual_time.read();
// Calculate new indices
let (supply_index, borrow_index) = accrued_interest_indices(timestamp().into(), last_accrual_time);
// Return the present value of the user's balance
if user_basic.principal >= I256::zero() {
I256::try_from(present_value_supply(supply_index, user_basic.principal.try_into().unwrap())).unwrap()
} else {
/// This function absorbs the collateral from a liquidated account, transferring it to the protocol and settling the account's debt.
/// # Arguments
/// * `account`: [Identity] - The account to be absorbed.
/// # Reverts
/// * When the account is not liquidatable.
/// # Number of Storage Accesses
/// * Reads: `8 + storage.collateral_configurations_keys.len() * 5`
/// * Writes: `2 + storage.collateral_configurations_keys.len() * 2`
fn absorb_internal(account: Identity) {
// Get the user's basic information
let user_basic = storage.user_basic.get(account).try_read().unwrap_or(UserBasic::default());
let old_principal = user_basic.principal;
let old_balance = present_value(old_principal); // decimals: base_token_decimals
// Check that the account is liquidatable
require(is_liquidatable_internal(account, old_balance), Error::NotLiquidatable);
let mut delta_value: u256 = 0; // decimals: 18
let market_configuration = storage.market_configuration.read();
let caller = msg_sender().unwrap();
// Only used for logging event
let mut total_value: u256 = 0; // decimals: 18
let mut index = 0;
let len = storage.collateral_configurations_keys.len();
while index < len {
let collateral_configuration = storage.collateral_configurations.get(storage.collateral_configurations_keys.get(index).unwrap().read()).read();
let seize_amount = storage.user_collateral.get((account, collateral_configuration.asset_id)).try_read().unwrap_or(0); // decimals: collateral_asset_decimals
// If the user has no collateral of the asset, skip to the next asset
if seize_amount == 0 {
index += 1;
// Set the user's collateral for the asset to 0
.insert((account, collateral_configuration.asset_id), 0);
// Update the total collateral for the asset
let total_collateral = storage.totals_collateral.get(collateral_configuration.asset_id).try_read().unwrap_or(0);
total_collateral - seize_amount,
// Get price of the collateral asset
let price = get_price_internal(collateral_configuration.price_feed_id, PricePosition::LowerBound); // decimals: price.exponent
let price_exponent = price.exponent;
let price_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(price.exponent);
let price = u256::from(price.price); // decimals: price.exponent
let collateral_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(collateral_configuration.decimals);
// Apply liquidation penalty to the seized amount
delta_value += price * seize_amount.into() * collateral_configuration.liquidation_penalty / collateral_scale / price_scale; // decimals: 18
index += 1;
// Total value of seized collateral with liquidation penalty
total_value += price * seize_amount.into() * FACTOR_SCALE_18 / collateral_scale / price_scale; // decimals: 18
let seize_value = price * seize_amount.into() / collateral_scale; // decimals: price.exponent
// Emit absorb collateral event
log(AbsorbCollateralEvent {
asset_id: collateral_configuration.asset_id,
amount: seize_amount, // decimals: collateral_asset_decimals
seize_value, // decimals: price.exponent
decimals: price_exponent,
// Get the base token price
let base_price = get_price_internal(market_configuration.base_token_price_feed_id, PricePosition::Middle); // decimals: base_token_price.exponent
let base_price_exponent = base_price.exponent;
let base_price_scale = u256::from(10_u64).pow(base_price.exponent);
let base_price = u256::from(base_price.price); // decimals: base_token_price.exponent
let base_scale = (u256::from(10_u64)).pow(market_configuration.base_token_decimals);
// Calculate the new balance of the user
let delta_balance = delta_value * base_price_scale * base_scale / base_price / FACTOR_SCALE_18; // decimals: base_token_decimals
let delta_balance_value = delta_balance * base_price / base_scale; // decimals: price.exponent
let mut new_balance = old_balance + I256::try_from(delta_balance).unwrap(); // decimals: base_token_decimals
if new_balance < I256::zero() {
new_balance = I256::zero();
// Calculate the new principal value of the user
let new_principal = principal_value(new_balance);
update_base_principal(account, user_basic, new_principal);
// Calculate the repay and supply amounts
let (repay_amount, supply_amount) = repay_and_supply_amount(old_principal, new_principal);
// Reserves are decreased by increasing total supply and decreasing borrows
// the amount of debt repaid by reserves is `newBalance - oldBalance`
let mut market_basic = storage.market_basic.read();
market_basic.total_supply_base += supply_amount;
market_basic.total_borrow_base -= repay_amount;
// Emit market basic event
log(MarketBasicEvent { market_basic });
let total_base = total_value * base_price_scale * base_scale / base_price / FACTOR_SCALE_18; // decimals: base_token_decimals
let total_base_value = total_base * base_price / base_scale; // decimals: price.exponent
// Emit user liquidated event
log(UserLiquidatedEvent {
liquidator: caller,
base_paid_out: delta_balance,
base_paid_out_value: delta_balance_value,
decimals: base_price_exponent,